
A Selection Of My Favourite Works

A Tic Tac Toe Game

This is my first project. I used vanila javascript and css animations

A Dog Cat Classification App

It is a flask app with deep learning classification model. It detects a image of dog or cat. Using transfer learning , It gives a pretty good accuracy.

A React dynamic search app with Node Backend

An installment management app specially for dynamic search from backend. It dynamically search with letter by letter customer name.

First Semester Train Reservation System Project

My beggning in the Coding world. This Project realized me power of coding e.g how we can automate everything. I used mongodb and pyQt liberary.

Mentoria Pakistan's Website

I developed a flask app for Mentoria Pakistan Organization. its development is continued. Its all users data is saved in MongoDB.

An Ecommerce React Front website

Its just a frontend react app with it is developed with bootstrap and react-redux.

Recapeo Organization

It is a NextJs app having stunning UI look for Recapeo company. Its development is continued. Future features are Registration, Forum, Blogs, Post...

DBMS Course Project (Django)

I develop this end semester project of Database Management Systems course with my team member Yuvraj Sagar. we develop it with Django python framework and MySQL databse.

NiceFlix - A Movie Streaming App

Search shows, movies and artists dynamically. Complete details of movies, shows andartists. Watch trailers and similar videos suggestions. add to watch later and add to like collections.

SaddamHotel - A Room Booking App

This app includes Authentication, Add filters, search, pagination, ratings & reviews, User profile and Complete Admin Panel.

CarHub - A Car showcase App

it is a Next frontend app with rapid api (cars-by-api-ninjas). This app is made with tailwindcss and typescript.

Saddam Reels - Reels NextJS App

Saddam Reels is a full stack NextJS app with popular backend platform app-write. It has login, edit profile, upload reels, comments and dynamic search features.

Saddam Blog - HyGraph CMS App

It has featured and recent posts, categories. full markdown articles, author information, comments, and much more. Clients can manage the blog from HyGraph.

Saddam Metaverse - Figma to Html Landing Page

Saddam Metaverse is a modern NextJS Landing Page with Framer Motion designed from Figma.

Projects Management - Graphql, Appolo client

It is a nextjs full stack app with graph and appolo client.

Clinic Mate - MERN stack Doctor Appointment App

It is a Mern stack app as a hospital management system where doctors received real time emails about new appoinments.

FrameFlow - Image Gallery Microservices App

It is a microservices project which is deployed with kubernetes on Google Cloud Platform.

Prize Wheel - Spinning Wheel React App

It is a React project - a digital prize wheel platform offering users the chance to spin for prizes and dynamic visuals.